
Gosero united

“Football is not just a game; it’s a way of life, a language understood by millions around the world, transcending barriers and bringing people together.”

Welcome to

Chugoku Futsal Tournament Battle 

The Venue

Rozasu Futsal Club , Mastunaga Cho 4 chome 6-17 Fukuyama , Hiroshima 729-0104

Chugoku Futsal tournament




Gosero United Fc




Gosero Entertainment


Entry Fee

Yen 22500 Only 



Hiro Fc Hiroshima

kets Ric (Rikesh)

Auto Export Japan

Amber limbu 





Kurashiki , Okayama 

9 am Onwards

Tournament Details:


  • Title: Chugoku Futsal Tournament 2023
  • Date: December 2023 17th 9:00 am Onwards 
  • Venue: ローザス・フットサルクラブ 福山(Matsunaga)
  • Organizer: Gosero United FC

How To Register

Participating teams and individual players can register for the tournament conveniently through an online registration process. Visit our official website [www.goseroent.com] and follow the registration link to secure your spot in the competition.

registration Fee

 The entry fee for this exciting tournament is ¥22,500 only. This nominal fee covers your team’s participation and ensures you get a chance to showcase your skills in a competitive and friendly environment.

Why Participate:

  • Skill Development: Sharpen your futsal skills and learn from top players in the region.
  • Networking: Connect with fellow futsal enthusiasts, coaches, and fans, expanding your futsal community.
  • Exciting Prizes: Stand a chance to win attractive prizes and trophies for outstanding performance.
  • Fun and Fitness: Enjoy the thrill of the game while staying active and healthy.


Gosero United FC is thrilled to announce an exciting update regarding our upcoming Chugoku Futsal Tournament Battle in December 2023. We are proud to reveal that the First Prize for the battle winner will be a whopping 1,00,000 yen, in addition to a magnificent trophy and medals for each team member. This incredible reward is a testament to our commitment to promoting futsal excellence and acknowledging the outstanding skills of the participating teams.

Tournament Prizes:

  • First Prize: 1,00,000 yen + Trophy +  Medals
  • Runner-up: 50,000 yen +  Medals
  • Individual Awards: Best Player, Top Scorer, Best Goalkeeper


Important Notice: Punctuality Is Key!

Dear Participants,

We hope you are as excited as we are for the upcoming Gosero United FC Futsal Tournament: In December 2023. As we gear up for this thrilling event, we want to emphasize the significance of punctuality.

Why Being On Time Matters:

  • Smooth Start: Arriving on time ensures the tournament kicks off promptly. A punctual start sets a positive tone for the entire event, allowing us to adhere to the schedule and provide an organized experience.
  • Respect for Opponents: Being on time shows respect for your fellow participants. It allows matches to begin without delays, honoring the time and effort all teams have invested in this competition.
  • Fair Play: Timely arrival allows teams to properly warm up, promoting fair play. A well-warmed-up team is less likely to face injuries, ensuring a level playing field for all.
  • Efficiency: Punctuality contributes to the overall efficiency of the tournament. It enables us to manage matches, breaks, and awards ceremonies smoothly, maximizing your enjoyment and minimizing unnecessary waiting times.

Please Note:

  • Registration and check-in will begin 30 minutes before the tournament start time.
  • Teams must be present and ready to play at least 15 minutes before their scheduled match.

Your cooperation in adhering to these timelines is vital for the success of the tournament. We appreciate your understanding and look forward to seeing all teams on time, ready to showcase their skills and sportsmanship.

Let’s make this tournament a memorable and timely experience for everyone involved!

Warm regards,

Gosero United FC Organizing Committee

Email For More Inquiries


Event Info




now accepting bookings

contact us

Email: goseroent.jp@gmail.com